Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Ishinomaki Watanoha. Village of fishermen who are just inside the levee was gone completely. Mud fi

Ishinomaki Watanoha. Village of fishermen who are just inside the levee was gone completely. Mud fill, several hotels are holding the form, but at most only leave the foundation after the space that should have been there is a row of houses hole gouged is tired here and there, spread first from there the base of the embankment . Each year, parking meta pine forest starfish decor turned into rubble Storage cars, the sound of logging has sounded from the forest to reddish. Mendicant monk to open the door of the car and put the glove (manuscript) starfish decor fog (Ajirogasa) wickerwork shade, make sure nails white tabi, will be that it does not appear again. Or more cultures starfish decor of the people who go out in Isan to fishing grounds that hell is lost, the culture of the other connected to it also I was off the edge is one step lower Itago lived in a modest house near to the coast more, and then develop a boat of their own . I think people would not come back forever day people debonair that spend here. And what if the share somewhere that the roots <live through the day>, smile of people who accept the fakir, and chatting, and told us the real intention . Mud of one side, one year to pass out soon park that relies on this to the toilet, it remains untouched. Large shell is buried starfish decor enough to seem surprisingly, it was brought back. It may be a gift from the last this land who have made use of mendicant over the years. Only ocean looks the same as the day that you turn off the lottery after you have finished and before you go out to begging. However, I felt for the first time the fear lurking behind dark recessed just before the small surf is broken. Courage I need it to be I feel that it might be you're mixed in something like shell that was launched, to carry the foot to beach. Strongly is the fear that <must not step on> never, I took a piece of photo while chanting the mantra enlightenment. I was able to experience the reason why the store with a focus on marine sport that began a few years ago in a place not far from Toyama is closed. Come to think of it, I've been told, "Since that day, it is not for the foot to the sea once" and from journalist to become a middle-aged still used to go out for a surf. Shrine of the village shrine becomes only leave a trail, it is still small and guardian deity of children hung a wish is placed on the bare earth. I will want to take you to Toyama involuntarily to the pain of the people too much, but selfish is not allowed. Prayer, I was after. I took a friend to contact and try to Tazuneyo you for your edge, but the answer would be impossible busy in various ways between your family that was affected. Company also home also lost, do not meet still a benefactor temporary that should have folded through starfish decor to neurology accompanied starfish decor by his acquaintance I'm sorry, I'm sure, still, it would not be a feeling to meet with a third party. When I met with the benefactor that is Sagashiate finally in the shelter of Kesennuma, I remembered that the heart is cold to the distance of so much of the other party and <daze> of here and <peace>. On the other hand, is woven by strange people that He will open the mind while living in temporary housing or shelter here and there. Also to those who also open toward starfish decor close, I pray in my heart while according to the other party. At the entrance to the warehouse that Galante, I was wash the glass case that seems to be because the man is 70-involved line the fish. In the space of a deserted beach near (Hitoke) was constantly popular, ... it is he waiting for <day> indifferently. Wharf is depressed, one bird gull could only have been idly, but a healthy sign cake shop, ramen shop, such as perm shop close to the highway is like a light that Tomo~tsu in dark town. People live, something emanating from the body temperature has begun in a place where people are living. starfish decor For early termination of the nuclear accident, for your blessings to recovery, let's continue the prayer of the Heart Sutra. Voice of the Heart Sutra is here. You need music playback software (drum of prayer has on) To get your listen. If you do not have it you can download the Windows starfish decor Media Player for free. Please click here. It is the mantra of the guardian deity Kokuzobosatsu like today "Sowaka Bollywood Ke Mari if there Noboua delicate Kyarabayaon". starfish decor Even for like anyone, it will be as a good day.
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