Sunday, May 25, 2014

I have been having a few issues with my blog software sea shell types so I apologize for the delay i

Happy Tuesday everybody. Did you have a sweet Valentines Day? We had a great day including a romantic lunch at Parallax followed by a stop for some treats at Lilly’s Chocolates and then dinner at our friends home in Lakewood topped off with slow dancing in their living room; it was the perfect holiday.
The rest of the weekend was pretty nice as well, wasn’t all the sunshine and snow wonderful? And Bite Winter sea shell types Fest was awesome as ever; great job to all of the organizers and volunteers. Sunday I went to a baby shower, did a bit of style shopping for this weekends Jump Back Ball and got some design work under my belt to prep for the busy week ahead.
I have been having a few issues with my blog software sea shell types so I apologize for the delay in posting as of late. Looks like my account is up and running again and the hackers have given up trying to take over the iheart acount. sea shell types Phew!
Many of you have been sending me lots of little notes of congrats and such about our impending bundle of “baby ninja” joy. Thanks to everyone for all your kind words; we couldn’t feel more elated and blessed…and YES…while this social space won’t sea shell types change all together an occasional baby’s room, family day out and “wee-one” centric post might be in the future…i’m just sayin.
The other day we were out and about at Crocker Park and noted a new sweet spot that hadn’t been there before, Lulu’s Candy Jar. It was is the perfect spot to dodge the cold temps and gloomy winter weather if you are out that way. They offer made to order flavored popcorn, rows and rows of jelly beans, every flavor of fruit slice and so many novelties it’s hard to even mention them. I was particularly drawn to the back interior wall wallpaper of graphic sea shell types candy jars..too cute for words.
With all this snow and the kiddos home from school (& many parents starting to go crazy!) I thought you might like an excuse for a sugar high and a trip to Westlake to explore this new sweet store. Check it out.
HELLO! I m a designer, blogger, Airstream enthusiast, sea shell types pug mom and Cleveland cheerleader. There are never enough hours in the day for me, so LET S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!
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