Tuesday, March 17, 2015

With the ability to psychological introspection that characterizes it, Lawrence part of this approa

St. Mawr, DH Lawrence | An open book
DH Lawrence (1885-1930) always demonstrated an innate ability to understand what lay behind everyday and social mechanisms imposed by the bourgeoisie of the early twentieth century reality. Observer plastic candy jars for candy buffet lucid and incisive critic of his time, Lawrence was the son of a turbulent and hectic time, when the growing industrialization and its imposition plastic candy jars for candy buffet of a lifestyle increasingly fast and thorough, was hidden under bourgeois morality leisure and enjoyment. Such moral, we can characterize well as moral appearances, suffer the first great shock with the arrival of the Great War in 1914, and although I still would last few years, its collapse was presented as an imminent event.
This was warned many writers of the early twentieth century, including DH Lawrence, plastic candy jars for candy buffet who would take a firm stand against the very artificiality of bourgeois life. The main concern of the thinkers of this period, in any case, was to determine, against this decadent and corrupt society, plastic candy jars for candy buffet what path should plastic candy jars for candy buffet be followed from now. One of the most widespread responses to this problem plastic candy jars for candy buffet was to claim, by a number of intellectuals, the Marxist utopia, and even membership in the recent Soviet policy. Another response was, paradoxically, the birth of fascism, that despite their differences with socialism, it was still the other side of the same coin.
With respect plastic candy jars for candy buffet to DH Lawrence, never signed plastic candy jars for candy buffet any of these two streams. His replies to this problem plastic candy jars for candy buffet was to bet on the turn to natural essential condition, original and which purify man from degradation in the course progress had sunk; this project, of course, could only carry it out man individually, dissociated from the perverted society to strive to build untamed and unspoiled nature.
It is clear that the proposed Lawrence is more a kind of mystical philosophy with literary features a realistic approach. In fact, both Aldous Huxley and Bertrand Russell, whose dealings with Lawrence was often refer to him as a mystic. In any case, this writer had very clear what was this absolute positing, embodied in the wilderness, and the encounter with him was the only way of salvation for man. And the greatness of his writing consisted precisely as Huxley points out, knowing transcribe and shape in his prose to this primitive and original life, with which he was in direct contact, and do well with great skill.
In St. Mawr are perfectly reflected this quality of literature Lawrence. The novel is named horse around which the story, a prominent Welsh stallion structure. Symbol of strength and life that leaves no subjugate the requirements of man and society, St. Mawr and embodies the essential, authentic nature, guess behind the more immediate and tangible reality. plastic candy jars for candy buffet Bearer of life and rebellion against any imposed order, the presence of horse awaken in Lou Witt, main character of the book, a feeling of dissatisfaction with their phony life of bourgeois Europe, and the consequent need to rethink the meaning of their existence.
The natural, primitive force, representing St. Mawr is not at all, we can say, benevolent towards man. In fact, Lawrence skilfully portrays nature as hostile element, and the constant struggle of man against her in the name of progress. However, in his work, and St. Mawr is a good example, Lawrence plastic candy jars for candy buffet redefines plastic candy jars for candy buffet the notion of evil and avoids any moral Manichaeism too easy. Despite its adverse character, return to nature and the break with society will be presented as an inescapable requirement for the author.
With the ability to psychological introspection that characterizes it, Lawrence part of this approach to break off skilful plastic candy jars for candy buffet and critically the foundations of the society of his time, and raise their personal and mystical plastic candy jars for candy buffet quest: A live intuitive that are in direct contact with a world that no yet known corruption of industrial and bourgeois society, and where it still floats a patina of magic and animism.
St. Mawr is not a book where the action predominates. Appear in it, it is true, some important events, but they never are nevertheless the backbone of the narrative. Neither is a particularly conceptual nor excessively dense book. Rather it is about the novel character, but can say that the purpose of Lawrence seems to point more towards overcoming personal psychology in favor of a pure transcendental experience that means the return to the natural world prim

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