Saturday, March 21, 2015

Amidst the bustle of dances and superficiality emerges, wrapped in mystery and myth, the effigy of

The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald | An open book
One can not help feeling, reading The Great Gatsby, which exists around this remarkable novel a kind of haze or ambiguity that pervades all the characters, seeps into their relationships and thus fills the entire frame. Without losing yet the pace of the story, rock crystal candy Fitzgerald presents his characters so that, by threat of mostrársenos and finally out of this fog in which they live, just never reveal anything about them; little is known of his biography in most cases, except for some isolated aspects, and with regard to his character, traits we know we face as artificial, something like a mask.
This, either way, not detract at all the book; on the contrary, gives greater strength and consistency rock crystal candy to which it could have achieved by other methods, and it is this aspect dominated with great skill, which makes it prevail over other books of similar argument but less constructive brilliance.
In fact, this artificiality, this "mask" that hides the characters, is the end of the proceedings very cleverly used, since what you want to portray is nothing but a society and an era in which predominate masks. This is the New York of the thirties, a world of unconsciousness and debauchery, millions of wild parties that last all night, and gangsters.
Amidst the bustle of dances and superficiality emerges, wrapped in mystery and myth, the effigy of billionaire rock crystal candy Jay Gatsby, "The rock crystal candy Great Gatsby", host of festivals and quixotic dreamer privacy. Through the eyes of young single shareholder Nick Carraway, Gatsby's neighbor and narrator of the story, we know little by little his enigmatic rock crystal candy figure.
Jay Gatsby becomes the exception to everything your time, and therefore also the other characters in the book represent. Without ever abandoning all their schematic and undefined path, the author delves rock crystal candy into his portrait with authentic narrative skill. In this sense, we could say that Jay Gatsby, despite rock crystal candy everything ignore him, is the only character who gets to take off the mask, at least to some extent, to show the face of illusion and dream.
Although not the focus of this article exposing the plot of the novel, will be perhaps useful, before continuing, briefly present the story of Jay Gatsby in its main features. Gatsby, as we have already said, we know very little except his past affair with Daisy, premium rock crystal candy narrator and now married to Tom Buchanan. Gatsby loved Daisy in his youth, but his poverty then smashed any possible relationship. Over time, however, the efforts of the young to prosper finally got the result, and, over the years, Gatsby, now a millionaire dazzling, persists in his old love for Daisy, most mythologized and fantasized not lived. These efforts, fed by the circumstances and fate (present here a similar to the Greek tragedy mode), lead fatally inevitable and tragic end.
The argument, as shown, is quite common, and we would not be difficult to find any similar, though certainly not deployed with the same narrative agility. On the other hand, the development of the story may even seem forced, and to sudden conclusive facts, it is not surprising that we overtake rock crystal candy the feeling that events have precipitated a somewhat absurdly pathetic. Is this a flaw in the novel? Not at all. On the contrary, it is through this resource as well as outlined above, the author manages to finally reach in this book air agitation and seizure own society it portrays.
Jay Gatsby is housed rock crystal candy in a world of hypocrisy rock crystal candy and superficiality, supported by endless parties and dances, where everyone speaks but where nobody knows and nobody cares. The proof that we are given is the desolate landscape of the last pages. Gatsby is perhaps the only tangible -quitando except the narrator, of course this fact: he, the character who has tried to model his millions and festivals mask and hide behind it originated poor lover boy and his interviews--only relationships with gangsters, rock crystal candy is actually more real than any of his sporadic guests. As regards the other characters, some of them cause us from the beginning rock crystal candy aversion, as in the case of Tom for his racist prejudices and their adequacy; rock crystal candy others, like Miss Daisy or Baker, disappoint us, because not reach the expectations we had of them. Only Gatsby, stripped of all their masks, as James Gatz (his real name) deserves our love and compassion.
Regarding the above ratio of the org Gatsby crime

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