Saturday, March 8, 2014

The rate of change of temperature is favorable for mural should not exceed 1.5 - 2 C (when windin

Dear and beloved woman! We wish you health and beauty, love and prosperity, good luck in all your affairs, peace and tranquility in your homes and families. Let you cherish your men, let the children appreciate your motherly care and love, and let your life will be less misery and sorrow. Congratulations to you, dear!
This monument - a well-preserved manuscript of the mid XI century, a monument 4tunes to Russian recension 4tunes of Old Church Slavonic. Until the discovery in the 2000 Code of Novgorod is the oldest book created in Russia, ie first monument Church Slavonic Russian recension.
The most significant monument - Ostromir Gospel, full deacon Gregory for Ostromir Novgorod mayor in 1056-1057 gg. (Leningrad Public Library. Saltykov-Shchedrin). Thumbnail John the Evangelist with Prokhorov.
The rate of change of temperature is favorable for mural should not exceed 1.5 - 2 C (when winding 1 C) per day. Seasonal changes in temperature should be possible to extend, making smooth 4tunes transitions most.
Adolf Napoleon Didron rebelled 4tunes against the idea of bringing the monument to the stylistic unity due to its liberation from all subsequent additions. Destroying the works of Renaissance art just because they are included in a medieval building, just unacceptable, in his view, the destruction of works of the late Gothic period 4tunes in the early Gothic building. In practice, this period has often been exactly 4tunes the kind of destruction 4tunes not only of the Renaissance, but also Gothic inclusions in older buildings.
Another important condition is that you should observe when copying historical originals 4tunes - to pick up the enamel so that its coefficient of thermal expansion exceeded this figure in ceramic mass by 10-30%. This difference will provide education in enamel layer CC - network of small cracks, which are always present in the real samples. In addition to making "remakes" visual effect of authenticity tzek serves another very important function. Network of small cracks tile provides long-term preservation, as through them during the freezing water is pushed 4tunes outwards, providing material for tile slight pressure without causing destruction of the product. Presence of larger cracks lead to the fact that frozen water would have to develop a pressure of 20-60 atm. That will inevitably in the destruction of tiles.
COMPETITION REPORTS AND DIARIES - Annual competition for the best restoration reports and diaries. AGITPROSVETTSITATA - making knowledge interesting! KULTSOHRANAGITPLAKAT - Spam in the name of preserving their culture!
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Social specialized Internet resource ARTconservation 2007-2014. 4tunes The main objective of the resource - promoting the conservation of cultural 4tunes heritage. All materials published on the site are reserved. At any use of resource 4tunes materials on the Internet hyperlink to reserved. For use in professional activities. Terms.

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