Sunday, March 2, 2014

Man is brought to the police department. Seized substance was transferred to the examination. Foren

February 16, 2014, 11:51, Data. In the Leninsky district of Vladivostok in the evening while on route patrol officers patrol noticed a suspicious man. On the question of staff patrol on possession of a narcotic substance he did not answer. It was decided to make a personal inspection, during which he seized three paper convolution with a white powder, reported IA "Data" in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Primorsky Territory.
Man is brought to the police department. Seized substance was transferred to the examination. Forensic analysis of substances found that the contents of the parcels is a highly addictive substance that affects the human psyche. Weight of drug were 0, 27 g, a significant size.
Police found that the 41-year-old detainee glass containers for candy buffet has previously been convicted of similar offenses. A criminal case under article "illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, manufacturing and processing of narcotic drugs." Suspect faces imprisonment glass containers for candy buffet for up to 8 years.
And most importantly did not write what size it in his pants???????????????? Urgent measure, people are waiting! glass containers for candy buffet Still wonder how the mind crushed humanity! And then the dope and the title here, which means purchased diplomas!
What is there to understand? Weight of drug were 0, 27 g, a significant size. This mass lying in the pocket of his pants. Pepper while silent. There is a causal link between the pants and hidden them in significant size :)
[***]:// Read about the 25th anniversary of the Afghan OUTPUT ON THIS SITE. Head of regional organizations glass containers for candy buffet VAST Vladimir Ostapyuk is co-created by the regional coordinating council of war veterans and their families. Coordinating Council is on the position of equality of all veterans organizations in the Region and their associations on a single platform to address the problems of war veterans and develop common solutions. UNIONS made against the governor and his foremen Miklushevsky-accomplices Grigorovich and Fedorov, which is not recognized even their own war veterans. This group, headed by the governor is afraid of Veterans who for many years reveal the embezzlement of budgetary funds THESE MOUNTAIN veterans who cover officials who together with them to make Gesheft blood and memory of the victims, the disabled, widows. Governor goes to answer with his teammates on the bloody business to go where funds are allocated for the annual meeting of veterans who did not spend three years and 500 thousand were in the pocket of the rogues, it's release repressed memory books, holding events Khasan -15,000,000 rubles NOW 600 thousand to hold 25 anniversary of withdrawal, the finished project on embezzlement glass containers for candy buffet of 12 million to 45 alleged conduct glass containers for candy buffet Damanskii anniversary events and other theft cost tens of millions of rubles. On this veterans say at regional glass containers for candy buffet coordinating council, but the governor promised (as always) already met nine times - and have not arrived at her. WHY? Everybody knows the answer in the province, not the governor and his criminal entourage, including "veteran". Veterans glass containers for candy buffet waiting for a reply from the governor and meetings glass containers for candy buffet and not lies and slander his loyal lackeys of Deputies and the media edge on the libel that he personally committed 500 million rubles, so that even PUTIN frightened and shouted. A Ussuriisk glass containers for candy buffet REGIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL spent boundary event which was not yet in the province. Gathered veterans and their families from around the region, by the way power was so scared that even concealed information about it from the veterans and widows of Afghans throughout the province. Regional Council of veterans who were united by VAST and veteran organizations fighting brotherhood of the towns and districts of the region and other veterans' organizations - is the power and truth about the war and prevents criminal authorities in the region. Glory to all participants of wars, SHAME lackeys and opportunists who for a loaf with butter thieves surrendered power. ALL veterans and veteran organizations - who are not afraid of thieves and authority of the governor personally Miklushevsky glass containers for candy buffet who have not sold for a loaf stolen from dying - call combined and assert their rights. VIVA shuravi.
Zhurnalyugi complete morons with titles such
Attention! The commentary glass containers for candy buffet does not accept messages that contribute to fueling religious, racial and ethnic hatred, calling for extremist activity. Editorial RIA "Date" warns in case of online news agency of your comments similar direction, your IP-address can be passed to the police. Also ask that you refrain glass containers for candy buffet from using profanity, insults, messages containing false information and slander - in oppos

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