Thursday, March 6, 2014

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Speaking at the Gaidar Forum January 15, 2014, Vice-President of the World Bank's Sustainable Development Rachel Kite said: "Since 2005, Russia has made significant strides in reducing the flaring role strain definition of associated gas (APG) for oil." She also appreciated the cooperation of the World Bank with the Khanty-Mansi role strain definition Autonomous District of the Global Partnership to reduce flaring of associated petroleum gas. Recall up to 2013 APG utilization in Russia rose to 80%, while in 2012 this figure was 76.2%. The volume role strain definition of investments in associated role strain definition gas utilization projects oil companies increased in 2013 by almost 3 times - up to 50 billion rubles (18 billion rubles - in 2012). To date, Russian oil companies role strain definition sell more than 50 major investment projects aimed at APG. Most of them are large-scale projects role strain definition of JSC "NK" Rosneft ", OJSC" role strain definition Gazprom Neft "and OAO" LUKOIL ". Leaders of the APG utilization are OJSC "Surgutneftegas" - 99.2%, JSC "Tatneft" - 95.1% and OAO "Novatek" - 94.5%. According to estimates of Ministry of Russia, by the end of this year the volume flared associated gas will be reduced to 5% of production. As previously noted the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Minister Sergei Donskoi, growth investments in the processing and utilization of APG occurred thanks to the Ministry of Russia initiated a significant increase in payments for APG flaring. Recall against role strain definition oil companies, not published in 2012 by the APG utilization level of 95%, in accordance with the changes in legislation, will be fined. In particular, it has a two-stage increase in the fees for emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere from the combustion of APG by applying raising factors: in 2013 - 12 times, in 2014 - 25 times.
Go to photo gallery Federal portal management personnel protection of Lake Baikal NordStream - new route for gas supplies to Europe Specially protected natural territories of the Russian Federation government agencies Reform Coordination Headquarters of Ministry of Russia NP "Center role strain definition for Environmental Certification - green standards" News "green economy"
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Address: 123995, Moscow, Bolshaya Georgian street., role strain definition 4/6 Phone: +7 (499) 254-48-00 Fax: +7 (499) 254-43-10, +7 ( 499) 254-66-10 When copying information link to the source Old version Comments and suggestions about this site, please send through the feedback form

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