Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Khmer Rouge doings I might have more to tell, but since this is a food blog, I will leave the topic

Easter at around we tried to organize access to some interesting new destinations in Asia. At the same time the idea arose to visit a world traveler visiting our friend M's house. He is the last one and a half years living and working in an ž Cambodia capital of Phnom Penh. Small, we decided to draw a combination of Phnom Penh to Hong Kong.
Cambodia ž of Finland has flown directly, so the trip had to do an exchange, this time in Bangkok. Four-hour Thai foray was followed by the final 50-minute burst of Bangkok Airways pools. Lyhykäinen flight did not stop serving hot food. Yes the staff had to hurry to the end. The plane was already well going down the last of tea and kahvitilkkojen have great lorahtaessa cups. Fun at your meals in all, the short flight was so full of the program, we had time to meet all the entry conditions required papers. Arrival in Phnom Penh, I felt somewhat similar to Thailand a bit more remote the main tourist spots, ie, a slightly run-down feel to it. The crowd was like the hats and the heat was enough. Western appearance was remarkably little to see. After a long exhausting flight trippers made it much easier that we were greeted by our host and the ride's flat was arranged so easily. We were able to directly cool off and explore the scenery of the apartment balcony Angkor beer for sipping before the evening feeding costs. Landscapes were In excellent.
A visit to was very short, it was the arrival of Saturday afternoon's already out of the side and was leaving have great in the early evening on Tuesday. Time haahuiluun not, therefore, was not. That's why it was good that we were already in the Lonely Planet guide book to have looked upon a number of interesting have great things for you. M could well say what was possible and what is not, on the schedule. First of all, it must be said that the country's history, I do not any older prior information was before the Lonely Planet have great pikakertauksen a read. It was found, that the Millennium on both sides of the region affected by Empire Angkor, Cambodia a descendant of the current ž a is. The empire of the major achievements was to a considerable smart irrigation system development, and the power of fathers erection of temples. These are the jungles still remain, the main Angkor Wat, which is the largest of its kind in the world. The ancient city of Angkor in those temples that this is in addition to an inconceivably large amount remaining. Country's most famous tourist attraction in Siem Reap Angkor is located nearby, so from there getting to know the temples is very possible, and it is several have great days worth Vice coat. In more recent times Cambodia ž has been a bit older neighbors, Thailand and Vietnam, the legs. Located between the French had time to be a colony of the host, and during this time in Phnom Penh became a beautiful city. After independence in March 1950 went otellessa problems have great in Vietnam with the United States. Cambodia a ž got his own fair share of bombings and other comfortable. Destitute have great of the difficulties of the people than increased, as Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge was caught (an ž Cambodia's people are called as Rouge) to power in 1975. Somehow, this is the ideal communist society went to the farmers in the beginning totally wrong horrific way, so that a quarter of people either killed or managed to flee the country within the four-year period during which Puhakhmerit were in power. have great After this, the continued instability in the country for a long time, until the situation has calmed down in the 2000s.
Khmer Rouge doings I might have more to tell, but since this is a food blog, I will leave the topic now less. Wikipedia on you can read more. We went to check out the self-mass events center built to commemorate the death of Choeung Ek fields and Tuol Sleng torture museum. In the latter, we had a guide to a woman who blended the circumstances events have great of his own family's heritage. Quite a heavy feeling was unforgettable. Everything crazy that people can do to each other. At present, Phnom Penh is a very interesting city. In part it is a badly run-down, the houses have time to be idle for many years to chase away all the inhabitants of the Khmer Rouge forced labor in rural areas, and people can not afford to fix them. Today, the money will start to show some capital, the cars are new to the Lexus and the like, even in the European and American ökyautoja seen, rises and skyscrapers. Methodical approach, however, is completely absent. The old dismantled and a new built without a shadow of a tolkun. Two adjacent houses may very well be an old wooden shack and a wonderful new glass-walled office building. Some of the colonial-term fine houses have been renovated, but a large part of the show at some point be burnt. Cambodia ž an rural population is still desperately poor, and some suffer from malnutrition because have great of their almost exclusive have great supply of food is rice. The Prime Minister and her relatives and friends to

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