Monday, March 16, 2015

The new adaptation of The Great Gatsby in Baz Luhrmann out Wednesday, May 15 in French the great ga

The new adaptation of The Great Gatsby in Baz Luhrmann out Wednesday, May 15 in French the great gataby cinemas on the day of its screening at the opening of the Cannes Film Festival. Fitzgerald aficionados will be able to see how the director took his peculiar language on the screen - that last sentence so famous "For this is how we're the great gataby going, the great gataby boats struggling against a current that brings us to continually the past. " Last summer, the great gataby learning Ernest Hemingway rewrote 47 times the end of A Farewell to Arms, Nathan Heller imagined 47 alternate endings to Gatsby.
T he New York Times reported that Ernest Hemingway had apparently written 47 different endings to one of the masterpieces of the middle of his writing career, A Farewell to Arms. There was thus the "end nada," which is the first one: "There is nothing to add to this story. Catherine the great gataby died and you will die and I will die and that's all I can promise you, "There is also the end of 7, that of" death and rebirth "." the great gataby There no end, except death and birth is the only beginning. "
Following this news, enthusiasts and members of the family of Francis Scott Fitzgerald dropped a bombshell in the literary world by revealing the existence of 47 other purposes of the masterpiece of the great master of jazz literature , The Great Gatsby. This recent discovery thus bringing the number of possible endings of the novel 48 -or, writes one of the experts Fitzgerald, "a late addition Hemingway, a lazy and less talented author has written for A Farewell to weapons ".
"Gatsby believed in the green light, but sitting among the whispers of the bank, I had a revelation of a different nature. Sometimes life is easy, but sometimes it is hard" 2. sadly bourgeois end
"Out in the dark, while the moon lit up the bay, I began to think of Gatsby and his property, so great and quirky. Finally, what they were saying was true -on never gets really what we want. I shuddered and went away. "3. The end purpose
"The ferry crossing the Strait nonchalantly and disappeared over the horizon. Gatsby had seen something strange and new to the unlimited territory but by contemplating my turn, a sad and unique the great gataby thought invaded my mind. We are born, we had lunch many times, the great gataby and then we die. "4. The medieval Crucis
"The ferries were cracking slowly the waves while the moon was rising, casting fragile beams of light on the waves. Suddenly I felt the cold barrel of a Smith & Wesson the great gataby on my neck. "Not so fast, said a familiar voice. This garden party is just beginning." "6. Applesauce
"I went down to the beach and I lay down on the sand. Then I went out a little applesauce box of my bag to eat it with a spoon. The moon rose above the Strait as a soul ascending; lower, the great gataby ferries traced mufflers and tempting paths in the waves. Yet I continued to eat my sauce. "7. The Freudian end
"For this is how we're going, boats struggling against a current that brings us back to the past constantly, unless of course to have the latest model of bio-diesel eco-quiet motor, in which case you can navigate to the next seaside town and buy Italian ices. See how simple it is, finally! "9. The end stripped
"Most of the villas at the water's edge were already closed and there were few lights as, indecisive and moving, a ferry across the Strait. When he disappeared behind the horizon, I took off my pants. "10. The end Charlie Sheen
"Last night, the great gataby my trunk and made my car sold to the grocer, I went again to contemplate the great gataby this immense and incoherent house of failure. And I say to myself won! "11. The end so undiagnosed blindness
"There was not much light as, indecisive and moving, a ferry across the Strait. I heard a rustle behind me and saw a squirrel gathering nuts on the blue turf that my friends and I had long since abandoned. The squirrel staring at me. It looked like a miniature version of Gatsby, with tiny hands. "14. The modernist end
"Sitting here, thinking the old unknown world, I thought of the wonder that must have felt when he Gatsby identified for the first time the green light at the end of the pier at Daisy. The vital energy of the universe was so great that none of us could not assess the extent. I pulled out my crystal and began to suck. "16. The end of the school literary zine
"" Shit, "I said out loud, while a stormy breeze ran along the strait, fa

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