Saturday, October 19, 2013

2013 (25) Yyun (4) May (2) April (5) The procedure of ICSI for infertility best time to con

Selection of baby food - the process is incredibly responsible. In order to avoid mistakes when buying a Jar sauce, you learn how to read labels and attentively read the conditions of storage of the product. Select All the ingredients used for the preparation of baby food are grown on special technologies - without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, anabolic steroids, etc. And the finished sauce you will never meet artificial preservatives, genetically modified ingredients, thickeners and colorants. Of course, every baby food before getting on the counter, held under strict quality control. Read the label 1. Are homogenized puree (crushed to complete homogeneity) and wipe (with small pieces of food). 2. The word "multi" means that the food is made of several products, and "monocomponent" - by only one. 3. The ingredients are arranged in descending order: the product that is the first line of the list - mostly in the bank. 4. In fact, truly natural mashed shall consist exclusively of fruit or vegetables and water. But this food is too rare and, therefore, not very convenient to use. This is because of the baby food may contain substances harmless to kids in charge density food - starch (rice or corn) and pectin. food warmer trays It is important to see to it that their content does not exceed 3%. 5. In monocomponent baby puree should be no salt, no sugar. But fructose, vegetable oil, and citric or ascorbic acid is completely unacceptable. IMPORTANT! Acid - a natural food warmer trays preservative that helps but not limited to preserve the natural color of the product. 6. Under "nutritional value" listed useful baby calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. These figures may differ slightly from different manufacturers: for example, if the sauce contains vegetable oil, the nutritional value of the product increases significantly. Terms in jar with fresh mashed cover should be slightly concave and opened with a typical cotton. If the lid is swollen, or, say, the bank opened silently, so food is spoiled. Warm baby food is best for a special electric heater - three minutes, and the food is ready! However, if you do not have this wonderful instrument, suit and ordinary bowl of hot water. But the use of the microwave oven is not recommended: Bank rozzharytsya fast and the product itself, unfortunately, warms unevenly. And remember when feeding baby food temperature should not exceed 36 370S. Standard shelf life of any cupping sauce - two years. Initiated and pending "for later" jar baby food can be kept in the refrigerator for no longer than a day. But experience shows that better eat up all at once, or at the end of the week you created a completely unnecessary stock uneaten foods that have simply thrown away.
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